Sunday 19 August 2012

It is not only the giant who is strong ..

“Dear Brave Souls,

The Strange Strengths of the Mind-Body, the Spirit-Heart and Soul. It is not only the giant who is strong... Tis a wonder, so seriously to see the miniature world wherein each tiny being matters as much as the world writ big, and more easily seen”

This is an excerpt posted by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes on her facebook page. An amazing author and lover of people. It struck me really hard because how often do we doubt our strength and completely dismiss our potential? It’s true; we are our own worst enemies. Who needs enemies when you have a negative voice in your head? Pounding you into the ground and disarming you of your strength. “It is not only the giant who is strong...” says this mother of brave souls, the inspiration behind her ode to the strength of mind, body and soul was evoked when she observed a tiny ant carrying a large leaf. How often have we all seen this image yet totally missed the lesson that nature was discreetly giving us? That an animal so small could walk a distance a thousand times its size, carrying an enormous object, all day and every day. Relentlessly going about its duties, never faltering. This is not a hippie, poetic outlook on life but it is simply fact.

The great men and women that we admire and praise for achieving unbelievable feats are just that, ordinary men and women. They do not possess some cyber gene or extra-terrestrial spiritual power that gave them the strength and wisdom to achieve all that they have. Now, I am not saying that in each and everyone one of us lies a professor, a president or a great inventor. We all have our own gifts and unlimited potential to maximise on them and do the unthinkable.

Strength has got nothing to do with the stature, status or even magnitude of an individual. It lies in the will to succeed, the urge to achieve and the spirit to keep going against all odds. But, it begins with something so simple: believing in yourself. There is no way that someone will take you seriously when you doubt yourself, so let us start then by looking in the mirror and acknowledging the amazing individual staring back at us. Acknowledge her beauty, recognise her existence, find her strength and invest wholeheartedly into celebrating what she has to offer.

I have doubted myself and my mind many times, diminished my hopes because I thought they were in vain. Told myself that failure means that I am destined for the mundane because well, the stars are just too high for you honey. But, there is always that “joie de vivre”, that urge to survive that I mentioned last week that keeps one going if they only listen to it. The homeless person who still gets the urge and strength to wake up every morning and look for food and more “homely” shelter, where does he get his desire to live from? Are you not better off then? Equipped with better tools and the comfort of a home and food? You have better weapons to fight and yet you stand and admit defeat instead of fighting for your life. We cannot wait until we have lost everything to start appreciating our lives, we cannot wait till we lie in hospital with 6 months to live till we tap into that drive and will to take one more breath and one more step. No-one will do it for you. We may encourage each other but we cannot walk our paths for each other.

In each of us lies a warrior. Inside you lies insurmountable strength: find it today.

“For those who have ears to hear: La Vos, The Voice, ever bends near, whispers to us, reminding: Devotion to the work – carrying the leaf, the hefty stack, and Daily” – Dr. Clarissa PinkolaEstes

Indeed, it all begins with committing to the small blocks that make up your life: your morning jog, your make-up routine, your prayers, your job... And, just holding on and making a concerted effort, daily, to become a stronger and more hopeful person.

I trust this has helped shed a few burdensome doubts and fears.

Let’s have a great week J

QUOTE: “Grain by grain, a loaf. Stone upon stone, a palace” – George Shaw

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Each small successive step step that you take will one day resemble one giant leap.


  1. an absolutely amazing post! I have to confess, while reading it I couldn't help but start singing ''People Help The People'' as the lyrics go ''...God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequence, Behind the tears, inside the lies, A thousand slowly dying sunsets...''

    1. Thank you. "Anonymous" ? Wish I atleast knew who this was. Life will not always sing for us but that is no reason to give up or give up on ourselves. :) We are all in this together, if we just believe and support.
