Monday 16 July 2012


You cannot complain about the shadows when your back is constantly turned towards the sun, life is exactly that. The line "life is what you make of it" means exactly that. You are here now, you and all your weaknesses and fears, scars and painful past - you are here. You and all your confusion and remorse - you are still standing. Within the chaos and trauma you are still breathing. Am I the only weird person who sees a warrior within all of us? That a powerful force resides within our souls that simply wants to survive?

Olympic champions seldom ever rest to get that medal. Why then do we want to savour the succulent fruits of life without lifting a finger or giving up before we reach the finish line? Read any success story out there of some powerful person and it will be lined, grounded and laced with blood, sweat, tears and raw perseverance.

Life has an innumerable number of possibilities and greatness - only if you will turn around and face the sun. It gets hard and we want to give up - we are human. However, whether you are running, walking or even crawling - you simply have to keep moving.

Let's challenge ourselves to making the best of this moment that we are in. Forget about the shackles that hold us to our past and they will release themselves, don't worry about the future ,because if we savour and take care of the present wholeheartedly, the future will take care of itself.

Smile, laugh and dream. Love and appreciate the beauty around you. Commit to your life. :)


QUOTE: "Where there is no struggle, there is no strength"- Oprah

Let's have a good week!

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